In-depth Ballpark Reviews

Read — and see — all about them

Over the years, I’ve written a number of in-depth reviews of ballparks, usually right after they’ve opened. For instance, I covered the first two games the Twins played at Target Field (they were exhibition contests, and the very first Twins pitch there is shown to the right), and then wrote a review of the park. And I covered the first game at Nationals Park in Washington, DC, and the first in Northwest Arkansas, and in Corpus Christi, and in Albuquerque, and in Frisco, and in Round Rock, and in North Little Rock and in Billings and in Gwinnett County and in Hillsboro and in Mesa at the new Cubs Park….

These reviews always include a number of photos, so you can see what the place looks like in addition to reading about what I liked and didn’t like about it. The links below will take you to those detailed reviews, as well as to several photo essays (that is, they aren’t really a full review of the park) from special events at the park in question.

Note that these reviews tend to be a “snapshot” in time. In other words, if the ballpark goes through renovations or a name change down the road, I don’t go back and change the original article.

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