Anything but routine

You might conclude that the word “routine” would be an odd choice to attach to a new multi-million-dollar baseball stadium. But in the Milwaukee suburb of Franklin, the facility known as Routine Field is named for Routine Baseball, which purchased the naming rights to the park. The firm, which makes apparel inspired by the “baseball lifestyle,” is headquartered just a few miles away from the park — and its clever clothing is sold in the team’s merchandise store.

Learn how the ballpark came to be in the most unlikely of places — a landfill — and how the Milwaukee Milkmen of the indy American Association have high hopes for success in their brand-new digs. And see how the ballpark features quite a Whoa Factor.

Click here to read all about it.


The new ballparks of 2019

There was quite a bit of hoopla surrounding the announcement of our Ballpark of the Year. For one thing, it was our 20th annual award. For another, the winning park is truly transcendent, arguably the greatest stadium ever built at the Minor League level.

Las Vegas Ballpark, one of the six new pro parks in 2019, won the honor. Every year, the announcement of the winning park is made in the pages of USA TODAY Sports Weekly. The text of this year’s article (along with a photo of each of the six new parks this year) can be found here.  Our release providing details about why Las Vegas Ballpark was named the winning park is here. Enjoy!

Photo shown is by Steve Spatafore, Las Vegas Aviators